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HomeEventsCANCELLED -VADO-VAST Artists Day Out

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Date and Time

Thursday, January 9, 2025, 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM


Patterson Appleton Arts Center
400 E. Hickory St.
Denton, TX  76201

Event Contact(s)

Fran Shurtleff


VAST Artist Day Out (VADO)

Registration Info

Registration is not Required

About this event

Today's meeting is canceled due to winter weather conditions.

Come meet old friends and make new ones at VADO, VAST Artists Day Out. This is a day where creators come to paint, sketch, quilt,
or do whatever creative endeavor they desire in fellowship with other artists!

The VADO group meets every Thursday. There is no instructor, it is not a workshop, and there is no fee for attending.

Every Thursday
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Patterson-Appleton Arts Center (GDAC)
East Craft Room
400 E. Hickory St.
Denton, Texas 76201