Click the Red Button to see the Submissions for the MARKS! Exhibition. Once there, click the 2nd round black icon along the right side to make the photos appear full screen. The 3rd button will "pause" the slideshow. There is an arrow to the left and right to advance or go back. Artists will be notified Thursday, December 19th if their work is invited.
2025 Marks Exhibition Submissions
Jo Williams, Vice President of Exhibitions,
is the coordinator for this Exhibition.
Please contact Jo at 940-453-0817 or
email to if you have any questions.
Friday, November 29 - All images due through
Thursday, December 19 - Notification of Works Accepted
Monday, January 13 - Take in of artwork 10am – 4pm, Festival Hall, PAAC
Tuesday, January 14 - Install artwork 10am – 4pm
Tuesday, January 21 - Exhibition opens to the public.
Thursday, January 30 - Opening reception and awards from 6 – 8pm
Friday, March 21 - Exhibition closes
Saturday, March 22 - Artists pick up artwork --- 11am – 3pm
Note: PAAC staff will not accept or return your work to you. VAST charges $25.00 for work left after specified deadlines for picking up unaccepted or exhibited work. SALES The Patterson-Appleton Arts Center takes a 30% commission on all work sold during the exhibition.
Read the entire prospectus here:
Marks Exhibition 2025r