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BEST OF SHOW Tonya Littmann “Smooth” -fiber piece

First Place Lisa Daniels “Racing DNA”
2nd Place Patricia Jacobson “Slumber”
3rd Place Nel Dorn Byrd “ Kilowatt Hours”


First Place James Neiswender “Spirit Speaks, Clouds Dance”
Second Place Ray Sears “Schrodinger’s Cat”
Third Place David Blow “The Stag”

First Place Martha Schinzel “Endless River”
Second Place Tara Holl “Where is Grandfather Crocodile”
Third Place Mindy Faubion “Nerikomi Exploration”

2024 Members Exhibition Award Winners

February 2025


 From the President’s Paintbrush: The 50th Golden year of VAST is upon us and a newly formed committee of 15 is leading the charge. We had our first meeting and the subcommittees are forming NOW! You may be called by one of the subcommittee members.2025 is going to be a Golden year! I hope you give an enthusiastic YES when asked to serve. The more people involved the less work and the more exciting the multiple celebrations! If you are NEW, all the more reason to join in the fun and get to know more people who share your art passion.

And speaking of Passion!!Passion can be found in so many different things: Passion for life, Passion for another person, Passion for food, Passion for travel, Passion for reading and the list goes on. But the passion that we all share is a Passion for ART. I wonder if your passion is fueled by creativity, by observation, by teaching, by exhibiting, by winning, or a combination of all of the above. I have many passions, including organizing, innovating, cooking, baking, meeting new people and of course all of those listed above that center around art. I think it is appropriate to think of your passion when we are coming up on Valentine’s Day. I am excited to be sharing my passion with you and I hope you will take an opportunity to share your passion with me! Happy Valentine’s Day! 

I want a moment, once again, to thank all of the group that works so hard to put on such fun and innovating monthly meetings.    These people in front and in the shadows, are tried and true volunteers of VAST! Want to be in the “in” group, join a committee! As a new member, I thought there was a clique! Well, I found out how to be in that “in” crowd; join a committee and get to know everyone. This is the most welcoming group I have ever been in, but it took a bit on my part to be a member of the group.  I challenge you to take on a small task and get involved with someone new. Embrace your chance to expand your friends, And what about the January meeting?   It was surprisingly well attended for such threatening weather! Members from our youngest members in their 20’s to our members in their 90’s were in attendance to take a fascinating tour of the life of the artist, Francesca Romano. What a fun time learning about her and her etchings! I have a new appreciation for the art of etchings. 

And this month’s Valentine’s bouquets of thank yous, go to those who consistently bring food, come early to set up and stay late each meeting to provide the rest us an opportunity to breeze in and breeze out without a care including Dan DeHart, Deb DeHart, Cindy Deville, Pat Reinke, Becca Hines, Monica Moen and Pam Dietz. You are all deeply appreciated for your hard work. Your Board of Directors is faithful and hardworking and as we continue to grow our membership each month, we count on you, our members for suggestions for programs and workshops. Carolyn Johnson provides us wide variety to topics by talented, interesting, widely diverse presenters. You know, Carolyn can only be as successful as we provide suggestions we give her for people to present topics that we find interesting. Look under the Programs section for February’s presenter.

And don’t forget to join us for the monthly Coffee Klatches! Both long-time members and brand new ones share stories, information and a fun time each month. Look on the website, under the calendar to find out the location. We will look forward to seeing you all, Monday, February 17, Amitie’ restaurant, 529 Bolivar, Denton, 76201. Please know that Stan and I are sending you our wishes for a very Happy Valentine’s and I can’t wait to see you in January! Don’t forget to attend the MARKS! Exhibition Award Ceremony, January 30th at 6:00 PM at the Patterson Appleton Art Center, 400 East Hickory.

This time, I will be rejoicing with you from afar as I will be cruising the Caribbean listening to my beloved blues music and sketching. Congratulations to all the participants and winners! I will see you at the February meeting!

50 Anniversary of VAST is HERE!
50 years! That, in and of itself, it a reason to celebrate! Each month, at our meetings, we will have a snippet of history culminating next December with a grand celebration. If you have an idea or would like to become part of this once-in-a-lifetime event, please join the 50th Anniversary Planning team. Contact Kimberly Karl, 940-391-0031 to get on the list. We will have at least 12 people on this committee so no one is overwhelmed! If you want to be a part of this glorious history, join us! 

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