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BEST OF SHOW Tonya Littmann “Smooth” -fiber piece

First Place Lisa Daniels “Racing DNA”
2nd Place Patricia Jacobson “Slumber”
3rd Place Nel Dorn Byrd “ Kilowatt Hours”


First Place James Neiswender “Spirit Speaks, Clouds Dance”
Second Place Ray Sears “Schrodinger’s Cat”
Third Place David Blow “The Stag”

First Place Martha Schinzel “Endless River”
Second Place Tara Holl “Where is Grandfather Crocodile”
Third Place Mindy Faubion “Nerikomi Exploration”

2024 Members Exhibition Award Winners


September 2024 

From the President’s Paintbrush

Goodness the summer has flown by!  School has begun again and it won’t be long that all the leaves will be turning.  I wonder if you are looking forward to the cool weather as much as I am. 

Lots of business has been accomplished over the past 3 months of VAST vacation.  The new bylaws were approved at the September 4th meeting, the new website is scheduled to launch on September 22!  See the article by our V.P. of Communications, Dalynn Montgomery, who has worked tirelessly with the Executive Committee to educate us on how to use this new program so it will benefit both you and the organization!  As we know, there will be a learning curve for all of us, but it gets easier as you sign in a couple of times.  I have taped my password to my computer screen as it seems to take me a while to remember it when it’s changed.  As much as I love change, I find remembering passwords, maddening.  To speed you along, pay close attention to Dalynn’s article in this newsletter and if you are totally confused, we will have someone at the Membership table at our meetings to give you individual attention! 

New membership opportunity launching at the October 4 meeting! 

Do you treasure the friendships that you have made through your affiliation with VAST?  Have you found joy in sharing your experiences with others?  Have you won an award?  Do you get take advantage of the reasonable priced classes offered?  Is VAST a place that your acquaintances expand at each meeting?  Do you want to see the VAST organization exist for another 40 years and continue to be available to hobbyists and professionals alike?  Then you might be one of the people interested in investing in the future of VAST.  Come to the October meeting and meet our first group of charter members.  Join us for the unveiling of the Legacy Lifetime Membership!

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